Honestly, because I wanted to see myself in a different light. Sound weird? Well let me explain. For years now I've been looking at other people's blogs. I would be so impressed by their talents and creativity. I consider myself a very creative person but have always been my own harshest critic. Jess, you have so much farther to go to be good at this. Jess, you never finish anything.
I know I should value my own work and abilities but the endless comparisons to
others and the little voices in my head, sad to admit, held me back. Both with my creativity and as a person. Luckily for me I have a naturally stubborn spirit. So I just decided enough of that!
Jess, get over yourself, start a blog and have fun!
So here am. I wanted to create this blog to incorporate my passion for DESIGN and for finding ways to make life BETTER and to help others do the same. Isn't a better life something that we all want? I know for me I'm always striving to create a life I want and choose for myself.
So this blog is about DESIGN, and that ever working desire in all of us to DESIGN or CREATE the best life for ourselves and have fun doing it! Whether it's a home project, baking bread (even though you failed the first couple times), designing a better fitness routine or even designing a better relationship with your husband where you take out the trash sometimes and watch those 3 hour long football games. Go Utes!
So I'm letting my hair down and just having fun, I hope you'll join me! :)

Awww! Jess!! I love this!!